balances digitales
detecteurs de fuites
indicateur d`humidite
manometres / manifolds
pompes a vide / relevage
multimetres sonometre
coupe tubes
cintreuses dudgeonniere
clefs cisailles mesures
marteaux / scies pinces
pinces a cosses
station de charge / epuration
anémometre / vacuometre
station de recuperation
couronnes cuivre
gaz frigorigenes
cables électrique
flexibles / coupleurs
raccords cuivre
Picture | Code | Part details | Stock | Options |
GVD10266 |
Vde 200mm television pliers
Compatible : BGS |
GVD10265 |
Tong telephone straight l:200mm bgs
Compatible : BGS |
GVD10330 |
Hammer mecanicien 300g handle fibres of glass bgs
Compatible : BGS |
GVD10443 |
Hacksaw blade large
Compatible : BGS |
GVD10328 |
Hammer mecanicien 200g handle wood bgs
Compatible : BGS |
GVD10332 |
Maillet head nylon ø30mm handle wood bgs
Compatible : BGS |
GVD10441 |
Saw with metaux with blade hss l:300mm in aluminum bgs
Compatible : BGS |
GVD10442 | Blade saw with metaux small x10p for ancienne gvd10440 | ||
GVD10329 |
Hammer mecanicien 300g handle wood bgs
Compatible : BGS |